View Glass rebrand and visual system

A smart glass company needed a new brand look and voice to reflect new positioning and the industry-changing potential of its technology

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View Glass produces a smart glass that extends the possibilities of smart buildings and can deliver real benefits to the people inside them. After a significant initial period of growth, View repositioned itself as a brand that boosts wellness and productivity for building occupants. As a result, it undertook a brand and identity refresh, which included brand voice guidelines and a visual system. We partnered with View to communicate the wellness benefits of natural light and exposure to the outdoors.

Brand Strategy
Creative Development
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Research to lay the groundwork for an effective, on message brand, within the industry and beyond

A major rebrand requires a solid foundation. Positioning, messaging, and business strategy must align coherently and clearly to communicate the brand and its promise effectively. To equip View to target its audience and express its value, we began with extensive research, comparing competitors and non-competitive best-in-class visual identities to establish a range of interventions, from a light refresh to a complete overhaul. The research, decision-making, and creative were all led by clear strategic business objectives and the wellness positioning. With a complex product and new visibility, we helped craft compelling messaging that clearly articulated View’s value offering.

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Pushing visuals and media for enhanced excitement

After auditing imagery, typography, graphics, colors, and brand concept, we explored directions that tested differing levels of departure from the old brand to help guide a decision about what best expressed View’s shift. Stakeholders chose a direction that expanded upon their established look and feel but updated it to be simpler, more confident and rooted in the customer/user experience. The result was a fresh and more clearly articulated visual system while remaining integrated with what came before.

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New verbal-visual guidelines to help turn View’s internal teams into brand heroes

Internal and external brand equity rely on consistency in execution. Once the new verbal-visual aesthetic was established, we created thorough, usable guidelines based on the simple idea of employing a graphical “frame” as a window, echoing the smart product itself. With a set of accessible, easy to follow standards, View was better positioned to tell its story, internally and externally. This allowed its team a greater sense of mission; to identify and create the conditions to consolidate and leverage brand equity to external partners. The new guidelines also enabled View’s team, serving as a unified, accessible, and easily updated source of brand truth complemented by simple assets for employing the brand. View’s employees were empowered to be brand heroes.

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Product, team, brand associations, campaigns

With an exciting product to offer, an aligned and guided team, and an eye-catching brand refresh, View was prepared to tell its new story. We contributed to sending out its message of wellness and tangible benefits for workers and building occupants through a series of effective, integrated campaigns targeting specific verticals to raise awareness and interest. In addition to design and brand work, we completed UI studies and consulting for an app that controlled the smart materials, aiding a complex product use problem: the product’s app needed to be as simple as a television remote to use.

Brand refreshes and rebrands are always exciting moments and can be definitive for a brand’s growth and reputation. Externally and internally, customers get to know a brand by its verbal-visual identity. A clear message, brand look, and consistency set the stage for building brand equity, loyalty, and returns on investment. We’re proud to have helped View navigate this pivotal moment in their brand and communicate their value and new positioning.